Board Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2013


President Joe Lightowler called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. at The Pub.

Members present: Joe Lightowler, Sharon Olson, Rhonda Wilson, Sam Blattenbauer, Lyle Hansen, Jenni Baar, Carol Anhorn, Ramona Borke, Rueben Tschritter, Tom Riedman, and Steve Busch.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as emailed.

Treasurers report per Randy Christianson was filed. $6000.00 has been taken in for ads in the 2014 directory to date. Paula Wilson has requested assistance in helping with follow-up phone calls to those who have not yet responded.

COLA—Tom reported that the last meeting of the year is to be held in October. There is a need for someone to take officer positions. COLA is trying for $25 million from the legacy fund to combat AIS.

Steve reported that the FM Walleye fishing tournament was last weekend with a less than normal catch.

Carol Anhorn met with the Beach Captains and based on suggestions made a motion was made to change the Spring Fling times. Registration will be at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting will be from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Mona moved to make the change and Tom seconded. Motion passed. Steve moved to purchase a 32” flat screen TV to be used for a drawing for those who send registration in by a given date. Mona seconded. Carol moved to replace chicken dinner with rolls and assorted beverages. Ronda seconded. Sam will check into this. A separate invoice will be mailed for dues with another for clothing orders. Carol moved and Rhonda seconded. Motion passed. Spring Fling will be held July 21, 2014.

Foundation: Lyle reported that we have 97 donations to date. He would like all Association members to contribute.

Planning and Zoning—Joe reported that variances are now difficult to obtain and rules are being enforced. Permits are required for everything and whole properties are re-evaluated when an application is made.

The buoys are out and stored at the Y Camp. Carol moved that Butch be paid for his work with the buoys at the same rate as last year. Sam seconded. Motion passed.

It was agreed that we hire a deputy for the 4th of July weekend again next year. We were not charged for services this year but may need to pay in the future. Sam moved to hire a deputy and Lyle seconded. Motion passed.

Mona will add a Facebook page and Twitter to our Website.

A quarterly newsletter will be sent out by email following the Board Meetings. Only those with email addresses will get the newsletter. Board members should get information to Jenni.

The next meeting will be at The Pub at 10:00 a.m. on January 11, 2014.

Tom moved to adjourn the meeting and Lyle seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted:
Sharon Olson, Sec.