Board Meeting Minutes - September 29, 2012


The meeting was called to order at the Pub at 9:03 by President Joe Lightowler.

Members present: Joe Lightowler, Rueben Tschitter, Rhonda Wilson, Sharon Olson, Merle Zimmerman, Carol Anhorn, Lyle Hansen, Steve Busch, Ramona Borke, and Tom Reidman. Guest: Butch Anton.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.

Butch asked that he take over task of buoys. Carol Anhorn moved to accept his offer and Steve Busch seconded. Motion passed.
Joe suggested that we purchase 6 more buoys with lights to replace 5 old buoys and replace a buoy that has been lost. Tom Reidman moved to buy buoys and Rueben Tschitter seconded. Motion passed.

COLA: Tom reported that additional volunteers are needed to work with legislators to help aid in control of AIS. Carol, Merle and Joe met with Paul Marquart with suggestions as to how monitoring accesses could be done. One suggestion was using Big Cormorant as a test area with accesses closed unless patrolled and a possible $5:00 charge to park in access lots.

Foundation: Lyle reported 113 donators to the Foundation.

Fisheries: Steve did not know if FM Walleyes would make a donation this year.

Beach Captains: Carol reported all is going smoothly . Beach captains are getting address changes as they occur.

In absence of Randy Christianson, Treas., a report will be mailed to Board members when received.

The next Board meeting is scheduled January 26, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at the Pub.

Carol moved to adjourn the meeting. Merle seconded.
Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,

Sharon Olson, Secretary