Board Meeting Minutes - October 24, 2014


Big Cormorant Lake Association Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Colbert at 9AM Saturday, October 24th, 2014.

Attendance: Jim Colbert, Carol Anhorn, Randy Christianson, Jenni Barr, Merle Zimmerman, Aaron Stenerson, Jeff Strand, Lyle Hanson, Steve Busch and Tom Riedman.

Waived reading of the minutes from June 21st Annual Meeting which were sent out to the board on June 26, 2014.

Randy read treasurer’s report. There were 328 dues paying members as of the annual meeting in June with a few additional added since that time. Moved by Carol and seconded by Lyle to give a $100 gift card to Donna Christianson for all her work on the data base. Jim Colbert volunteered to pick up a Visa card and present to Donna with a thank you card. Motion for approval of treasurer’s report and gift to Donna passed unanimously.

No Website report – Rhonda not in attendance.

COLA report - Lyle and Jim attended a COLA meeting and gave report about their intention to purchase a decontamination unit. COLA would like 1 representative from our association on the COLA board, but it was decided that a team would attend meetings and report. Team will consist of Jim, Tom, Jenni, Randy, Merle and Aaron.

Fisheries report – Steve gave report and recommended we ask DNR to reduce the number of times they do a gill netting on our lake. Fish have been reproducing naturally and the number of fish killed in the gill netting is unnecessary. Steve will report back.

Spring Fling – Sam and Brant will select date for 2015 Spring Fling and it was unanimously decided to continue with the coffee and rolls format again next year. Jim will turn over the prizes to Brant with $250-$300 budget for door prizes.

Boat Parade – Jim asked for a volunteer to lead the 4th of July parade in the future. Jim will pass on the duties and the banner when a volunteer comes forward.

Data Base – Donna has done a great job of updating and organizing the data base. It works well with Forum Printing to print, label and mail newsletter.

Beach Captains – Jenni is working with Donna keeping the list up to date and will be looking to replace a couple of beach captains.

Planning & Zoning – Lyle reported that the string line plus 20 feet is what will be used.

Water Testing – Merle reported that clarity was good and consistent through the summer.

Clothing sales – Rhonda has inventory left over and can be contacted about any requests. We will determine what to purchase for 2015, and based on what is left over and requests from customers in 2014 we will look at buying some youth t-shirts and sweatshirts.

BCLAF – Lyle reported a good year for the Foundation but disappointment that not all of the BCLA board members donated.

Buoys – no report on buoys for this meeting. Randy brought up the email from Barbara about the Sheriff’s Department being the governing body for providing safe water navigation for the public. Carol will contact Barbara and Becker County / Sheriff’s Department about turning over responsibility and buoys to them for future placement and removal. Ramona moved and Jenni seconded with unanimous vote that our board turn over responsibility of buoys to either Becker County or Sheriff’s Department.

Old Business – no report

New Business – Lyle reported that 3440 boats used the public accesses from 5/9 – 9/28 on the 3 day weekends that were monitored. The inspectors had some turn over, but we ended up with some reliable inspectors who did a great job. It is recommended that we look into cameras and better contact with Sheriff on the lake to prevent future problems.

The concert on the lake over the 4th of July weekend was very well received by public. It was paid for privately and the board decided it would not be involved in the future due to liability issues.

Motion to adjourn by Carol and seconded by Lyle. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting: Saturday, February 28, 2014 9AM at Cormorant Pub.