Board Meeting Minutes - June 21, 2008
   Posted on July 30, 2008


The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lightowler at 10:05 at the Cormorant Township Hall.

Board members were introduced. Members present: Sam Blattenbauer, Steve Busch, Jim Colbert, Dennis Erdle, Lyle Hansen, Ben Hushka, Joe Lightowler, Sharon Olson, Greg Pung, Tom Riedman, Jason Roth, Paula Stromstad, and Rhonda Wilson.

Greg Pung reported a cash balance of $21,841 in the treasury. Report was approved as submitted.

Warren Wilson announced a drawing for lessons at the Sailing Club. Two children will be sponsored for one week of free instruction. Winners were Kayla Myxter and Bryce Bartunek.

Joe presented Carla Blattenbauer with a gift card in appreciation for her work on the new lakes directory. A plaque has been purchased for Avis Ohman for her 25 years service on the BCLA Board. She was unable to attend the meeting.

Joe reminded members of the Big Cormorant website and asked that lake pictures be mailed to the website for posting.

A Water Safety Course conducted by the US Coastguard will be held at the Cormorant Community Center Saturday, June 28, 2008 for grades K-3 and grades 4-6.

Ben Hushka reported that Beach Captains are needed. Beach captain duties include keeping contact information and addresses current for the directories. List of beach captains will be available on the website.

Dennis Erdle reported that netting has indicated that the walleye numbers are increasing. Gill netting will occur this year in August with the results posted on the website. Night bow fishing has been approved. He also reported that the Cormorant Classic Fish Tourney will be held the 3rd week in September.

Jim Colbert reported that the Foundation now has $4,000. He reviewed the purpose of the Foundation.

The boat parade will be July 4 at 11:00 am beginning at the north landing.

Lake Water Sports is sponsoring an 8th annual Wake Fest Saturday, July 12 with registration of $47.00.

Luke Sweere, Becker County Sheriff’s Dept. and head of the Boating Division spoke to BCLA members. He encouraged that accidents occurring on the water be reported. Boating Regulation books were made available to members. Phone number of the sheriff’s dept is 218-847-2661.

Joe Stattleman, Conservation Enforcement Office, provided BCLA members of current lake regulations. He explained night bow fishing. Main complaints received by his department are Jet Ski activity and no lights on watercraft after dark. He encourages residents to report any problems. Phone numbers are 218-847-1550 (dispatch for the game warden) and 218-847-2249 (office number).

Barry Nelson, Becker County Commissioner, updated BCLA members on current happenings within the County. He reminded the group that dump day will be held Aug. 22 at the Cormorant Community Center.

Ellis Peterson, Watershed Board President, reported on current activities involving our lakes. The present goal is to maintain water quality and increase the amount of water released from the outlet.

Moriya Rufer, Water Quality expert from RMB Labs, explained differences between a septic system and holding tanks. She also explained the importance of using products with no phosphorus to maintain water quality in the lake. All data regarding water quality are on the website. Tom Riedman addressed the issue of noxious weeds and the importance of preventing the development in the lakes.

Election of Board Members with terms ending was held. Edgar Wright nominated Steve Busch, Dennis Erdle, Sharon Olson, and Tom Riedman . Rich Mattern seconded. Jim Shaw and Reuben Tschritter were nominated to replace the retiring members Dave Spanjers and Bob Smith. Carola Anhorn moved that nominations cease and Harold Twiter seconded. Motion carried.

Dave Demars moved that meeting be adjourned. Jack Borgan seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,

Sharon Olson, Secretary