Board Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2014


President Joe Lightowler called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at The Pub.

Members present: Joe Lightowler, Sam Blattenbauer, Lyle Hansen, Jenni Baar, Ramona Borke, Steve Busch, Jim Colbert, Paula Wilson, Randy Christianson and Merle Zimmerman.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as emailed.

Treasurer’s report per Randy Christianson was filed and current report was handed out to present board members. That there are currently 389 paid members and Randy brought up the fact that of the $25 member fee that last year $8 was spent per member at the Spring Fling.

It has been decided to not pursue the businesses that have not responded to place ads and go with the ones that have been submitted. Some have submitted their ad’s but have not submitted payments yet. Paula Wilson has been working with KariAnn on progress of the lay out and finalizing the directory. Dollars received at the end of November were about $6470 and now estimated at $9530 for the spring directory

Fisheries - Steve reported that his understanding was fishing was slow and that FM Walleyes had not donated any money for fisheries fund.

Spring Fling will be held June 21, 2014. Board members are asked to be at the Town Hall to start setting up at 7:15 AM with registration to start at 8:00 AM. Meeting is scheduled to start at 9:00 AM Sam will arrange to purchase coffee, orange juice, muffins and rolls.

Jenni will put in the newsletter about the change of the format of the meeting and reason for change noting that the intention is to finish the meeting earlier than in the past so people can get out on the lake. The letter will be mailed out at least 45 days before the Spring Fling.

Foundation: Lyle gave a summary of the foundation report

Beach captains – no current report but it was brought up what a great job the beach captains have been doing with a great effort by Carol to work with the captains.

Planning and Zoning—Lyle reported he had no new info at this time.

A thank you letter will be sent to the Cormorant Watershed District thanking them for the $5000 donation for Boat Inspections for AIS.

A motion by the BCLA board was made to donate $5000 from BCLA to the Big Cormorant Lake Area Foundation for boat inspections performed by DNR inspectors at the two public accesses on Big Cormorant Lake to cover the cost for 680.43 hours at $7.75 an hour that brings the total to $5273.33. Jim made the motion with Lyle seconding the motion.

Becker County Sherriff said there will be a deputy for the 4th of July weekend again next year. We were not charged for services this year but may need to pay in the future.

Ramona added that work is continuing on the Face book page BIGCORMORANTMN.

Up for re-election are Steve Bush, Sharon Olson, Tom Riedman, Reuben Tschritter and Paula Wilson. It was noted that Sharon and Paula choose not to run for re-election.

The next meeting will be at The Pub at 9:00 a.m. on April 12th 2014.

Sam moved to adjourn the meeting and Jim seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted:
Merle Zimmerman - Volunteered