Board Meeting Minutes - January 26, 2013


President Joe Lightowler called the meeting to order at the Pub at 10:05. Joe asked Ramona Borke to take minutes in Sharon’s absence.

Members present: Joe Lightowler, Merle Zimmerman, Steve Busch, Lyle Hansen, Randy Christianson, Carol Anhorn, Rhonda Wilson, and Ramona Borke.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.

Randy reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. There were 334 paid members in 2012. Clothing sales exceeded expenditures. Jack moved to approve the report, Steve seconded. Motion passed. Report attached.

Committee Reports:

Rhonda stated there is nothing new to report on the Web Site.

COLA is asking for input for activities for next year.
Steve had nothing new to report on Fisheries.
The Boat Parade will be July 4 beginning at 11 a.m. from the north access.
Carol reported that the Membership Database is in the process of being updated. Beach Captains will be instrumental in helping with this.
We will discuss what is new for t‐shirts/sweatshirts for the Spring Fling at the April meeting. There is some inventory left but a lot was sold at the meeting last year.
Lyle reported that Foundation donations were up.

Old Business:

Minnesota DNR billed BCLA for watercraft inspection 426.75 hours in 2012. Report attached. Board would like more inspection hours in 2013. Possibly students enrolled in Biology or science would be able to do this. We also would like to see more patrolling of the lake. We are to call the sheriff’s office when we see or experience violations. The possibility of the BCLA paying reserves from the Sheriff’s Department to patrol the lake especially on busy weekends or holidays like the 4th of July was discussed. Carol will contact the Becker County Sheriff’s Department to see if they are interested.

New Business:

The new BCLA Directory will come out in 2014. A committee is needed to coordinate the process. Carla Blattenbauer was in charge of the directory in 2011 and Carol believed she would do it again. The list of advertisers is in place. We may be able to up the fee as our directory is done every three years, not annually.

Joe asked Merle if he would be interested in serving on the Becker County AIS committee. He will contact them for more information.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. at the Pub.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ramona Borke