Board Meeting Minutes - January 29, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Pres. Joe Lightowler at 9:00 a.m. at The Pub.

Members present: Paula Stromstad, Dennis Erdle, Rhonda Wilson, Joe Lightowler, Sharon Olson, Lyle Hansen, Carol Anhorn, Merle Zimmerman, Sam Blattenbauer, Tom Riedman and Steve Busch with guests Butch Anton and Carla Blattenbauer..

Minutes were amended to read that the watercraft class was held at Eagleview rather than YMCA Camp. They were approved as amended..

The treasurer’s report was approved and filed. The Association spent $3000.00 more than was taken in last year..

Butch Anton provided information on buoys. All buoys need to be eventually replaced with solar lights. Butch will write a synopsis of with his recommendations and Joe will email to Board members for an email vote..

Rhonda reported two problems with the website—emails are not getting out and the calendar is not out. She will continue working on these problems..

Dennis reported that the fish hatch last spring was poor. It goes in cycles so no action will be taken. He also reported that the DNR has pictures of fish houses and licenses to determine which fishermen are leaving debris on the lake..

Spring Fling is June 18th with The Pub providing the meal..

The boat parade is July 4th at 11:00 a.m. Fireworks will not be funded by Butch Anton this year. He offered to help if someone wants to take it over..

Carla Blattenbauer would like to take over the membership data base. Carol moved to accept Carla’s offer and Lyle seconded. Motion passed. Carla also shared that $7,000 is needed from sales of ads for new directory..

Carol continues to follow and update beach captains as needed. Suggestions of residents that may be interested were provided. She will work with Carla to keep membership current..

Lyle reported that it is probable that the County Commission will require residences to receive septic certification prior to selling property. He also recommended that everyone write to the DNR opposing the North access..

Water testing will continue this season with the addition of 2 locations—the swamp by Swanies and by the Leaf Lake culvert. Merle volunteered to check culverts every two weeks for zebra mussels..

The Board engaged in a lengthy discussion regarding the Big Cormorant Outflow Agreement..

Rhonda reported that the Healthy Lakes and Rivers Coalition plans to write a long range plan to receive a grant. Joe suggested that a picture of each of the invasive species be inserted in the directory and posted in public places to educate the public as to what to look for..

Paula visited the DNR regarding signs for no trespassing, no dumping, and no fires. .

DNR will pay 50% of the 1000 hours at $15.50 for boat inspections at the public accesses. The Foundation and BCLA will pay the remainder. .

Dennis moved to increase annual dues to $25.00. Rhonda seconded. Motion carried. .

Next meeting will be April 30, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. at The Pub. .

Rhonda moved to adjourn. Dennis seconded. Meeting adjourned. .

Submitted by, .

Sharon Olson, Secretary