Board Meeting Minutes - February 28, 2015
   Posted on March 2, 2015


Big Cormorant Lake Association Minutes of Meeting February 28, 2015

Big Cormorant Lake Association Board Meeting Saturday 2/28/15 at Cormorant Pub

In attendance: Rhonda Wilson, Steve Bush, Lyle Hanson, Jeff Strand, Sam Blattenbauer, Randy Christianson, Jim Colbert, Jenni Barr, Ramona Borke and Carol Anhorn.
Absent: Merle Zimmerman, Aaron Stenerson, Brant Wilson

Meeting was called to order at 9:05AM by President Jim Colbert.

Jim introduced Spencer McGrew from Red River Basin Commission. Spencer explained the mission of Red River Basin Commission as an education organization about AIS and the watershed. Spencer introduced a Scan icon for their site with information and a survey. Their organization will be handing out information throughout the summer. It was suggested by Jeff Strand that they laminate the scan code and have it available at the accesses by the inspectors this summer. Spencer was invited to attend the Spring Fling in June to hand out flyers and goodies to promote the site.

Waived reading of the minutes.

Randy Christianson presented the year end treasurer's report (copy attached). There were 381 dues paying members this year. Having the newsletter go out early really helped since most were paid prior to the Spring Fling. The change in the format of the Spring Fling helped finances by doing coffee and rolls instead of lunch. There were few complaints so we will continue with 9AM coffee and rolls trying to get everyone out within the hour. Randy pointed out that we have about $1800 designated as Fisheries Fund which hasn’t been used since 2009. FM Walleyes are no longer contributing and stocking has not been necessary. Steve motioned and Sam seconded moving that fund into the General Fund. Motion approved unanimously. Randy reported that Pung’s address will continue to be registered agent address and we will continue to use P.O. Box 1864 Fargo, ND 58107 as the registered address. Jeff moved to approve treasurer’s report, Ramona seconded and it was unanimously approved.

Rhonda gave website update. Clothing is listed on the site for sale and some was sold over the holidays. We would benefit from having more photos on both the site and Facebook. Ramona will check into adding Jenni and Sam as authorized to post to Facebook. Jim will check with Aaron and Brant on whether they would like to be authorized to post as well.

COLA - no report

Fisheries - Steve reported that gill netting will be every 3-5 years now instead of every other year. Healthy fish populations continue.

Spring Fling - Sam reported date of June 20th has been secured. Board will need to be there at 7:30A to set up and make coffee. We will use same format as last year with coffee and rolls.

Boat Parade - Aaron was nominated by Lyle and seconded by Rhonda to lead the boat parade this year. Information will go out in the newsletter to again meet at the North Access. Jim will get Aaron the banner.

Membership Database - Randy reported that Donna has everything updated and ready for the newsletter mailing. Suggested Donna and Jenni work together to change how people list their addresses as preferred mailing address and lake address. FCP has done a good job of the mailings so we will continue to use them for printing and mailing. Mailing will go out first class again.

Beach Captains - Jenni is still working to confirm some captains for beaches where previous captains either have not responded or want to be replaced. She will be planning beach captain party for sharing of best practices and information. Date to be determined.

Planning & Zoning - Lyle gave update that the string line plus 20 was approved but chaos reigns at the office.

Water Testing - Merle not present and no report

Clothing sales - Rhonda and Carol will meet with S&S again to choose some clothing to add to our left over inventory for this summer. Kids clothing was requested last year so that will be the focus. Sam moved to approve $2000 budget for clothing purchases. Ramona seconded. Passed unanimously.

BCLA Foundation - Lyle reported largest number of donors ever at 166 this year.

Buoys - Carol will follow up the previous letter to the outgoing Sheriff at Becker County to let that office know we will work with them but do not want the responsibility of placing the buoys. We have lighted buoys because of the hazards on the lake and good night fishing. We will request to maintain lighted buoys and store on our lake so we keep our own buoys.

No old business.

New Business - Lyle provided a list of approved shoreline restoration contractors for Becker County which we will make available on our website (attached). There was significant ice damage on the lake and there will be a lot of work this spring. It should go in the newsletter that permits are required and they can go to our website for the list of approved contractors.

Randy moved and Steve seconded to approve $5000 be given to Becker County for inspections matching the Watershed $5000. Motion approved.

Next meeting will be Saturday, April 18th 9AM Cormorant Pub

Motion to adjourn by Carol, seconded by Sam and approved.