Annual Board Meeting Minutes - February 11, 2012


The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lightowler at 10:00 a.m. at The Pub.

Board members present: Joe Lightowler, Sam Blattenbauer, Paula Wilson, Lyle Hansen, Jim Colbert, Merle Zimmerman, Rhonda Wilson, Sharon Olson, Carol Anhorn, Steve Busch, Randy Christianson, Darlene Hammond, and Tom Riedman.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.

Randy C. read the treasurer’s report. He is presently in process of filing income tax. Sam moved to approve the report. Jim seconded. Motion passed.

Rhonda reported that the web site is on track with nothing new to report.

Tom reported that COLA has presently placed the invasive species at the forefront and that the state of Minnesota is now getting involved.

Steve visited with Jim Wolters, DNR fisheries, regarding better disinfecting of boats. There are more units out working to control invasive species and area lakes.

Mariah Rufer, RMB Labs, has completed a grant application for watercraft inspections for the 2012 summer. She is presently writing a grant to provide inspectors at other area lakes.

Spring Fling is June 16 with the Pub catering the meal.

The Boat Parade will begin at the North Landing at 11:00 a.m. July 4th.

Carol will send letters to Beach Captains in April to update membership database.

Lyle brought sample sweatshirts to share with Board. Merle moved that 36 sweatshirts be purchased for the Spring Fling. Carol seconded. Motion passed. Randy suggested that an order form be available and members can fill them out and prepay if we run out. Cost of the shirts purchased will be about $1000.00.

Lyle reported a balance of $30,834 in the Foundation account. He will send a request to the Watershed Board for monies to be used to help fund the access inspections. They will give $4,950 this year. A motion was made that the BCLA will split 50/50 with the Foundation to pay the amount remaining above the $4,950. Motion passed.

Darlene moved to purchase 4 new buoys with lights. Carol seconded. The Foundation offered to buy two additional buoys with lights for a total of 6 new buoys. Sam will communicate with Butch Antone to order them. Steve moved to pay Superior Lakeside $500 to place buoys this spring and remove them in the fall. Darlene seconded.

Decals are now required by law for boat trailers. They will be put on at the accesses. It will not be allowed to leave the access without removing plugs from boats.

A motion was made to approve $150 for RMB Labs for Mariah as payment the grant. Sam moved to approve and Tom seconded.

A motion was made to allow $250 for door prizes at the Spring Fling. Darlene moved and Lyle seconded.

Joe requested that Board Members write 2-3 sentences explaining their duties and have them to him by April 10 for the annual newsletter. Randy would like the newsletter mailed by May 1st.

The next meeting is April 21, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. at the Pub.

Rhonda moved to adjourn. Paula seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by:

Sharon Olson, Secretary