Board Meeting Minutes - April 30, 2011
   Posted on May 3, 2011


The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lightowler at 9:05 am at The Pub.

Members present: Joe Lightowler, Reuben Tschritter, Sharon Olson, Steve Busch, Jim Colbert, Lyle Hansen, Carol Anhorn, Paula Stromstad. Sam Blattenbauer, Randy Christianson, and Darlene Hammond. Guests: Ellis Peterson and Jeff Moritz from the Watershed District, Paula Wilson and Shirley Montgomery.

Sam moved to approve minutes of last meeting as emailed. Darlene seconded. Minutes approved.

Paula moved to approve Treasurers report and Reuben seconded. Report was approved and filed.

Rhonda Wilson is now able to post messages on the message board on the Cormorant Lake website. There will be upcoming expenses with changes that have been made.

COLA reports that our Association dues will be lowered this year to about $300 from about $699. COLA will be involved in lake research involving both phosphorous and secchi readings on Cormorant Lake. There may be a request for financial help to fund the research. It was also reported that the Minnesota Legislature voted to ease variance restrictions for property owners.

FM Walleyes donated $335.00 for the fisheries fund. There is presently $1058.00 in the fund.

Sam reported that Spring Fling is set for June 18 with food being catered by The Pub.

Jim was allotted $250.00 to purchase door prizes.

The July 4th parade begins at 11:00 am beginning at the North Landing.

Carla Blattenbauer will mail the newsletter the first part of May. She continues to update the database.

Carol reported that we now have active Beach Captains on every beach. Special thanks were given to Barbs Hansen for the hours spent acquiring and updating addresses on the lake.

Paula moved to allow up to $2000.00 to replenish the clothing supply for the Spring Fling. Steve seconded. Motion passed.

Two new buoys have been ordered at an estimated cost of $1100.00. Butch Anton will update the existing buoys at a cost of $50.00 per buoy. Paula suggested that Butch be recognized for his help with this project.

Carol reported that posters have been printed with information to keep lakes healthy. These will be inserted in the directory.

The point of sale (POS) inspections was defeated by the County.

Jeff Moritz and Ellis Peterson reported that there may be a chemical for treating zebra mussels. The cost would be about $1500.00 per acre. The watershed has also scheduled a meeting to revise its 10 year plan with more focus on aquatic species and erosion. All lake associations are welcome and encouraged to attend in effort to have all associations work together as a group.

Lyle will provide a written proposal to the Watershed in effort help fund the water inspections this year.

Dennis Erdle is resigning from the BCLA Board. Members voted Paula Wilson as his replacement. She will be nominated for a final vote at the Spring Fling.

Speakers for the Spring Fling will include a representative from the Sheriff’s dept., Bruce Anspach, DNR, Jim Walters, DNR fisheries and Watershed representative.

Paula moved to adjourn. Rueben seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,

Sharon Olson, Secretary