Board Meeting Minutes - April 18, 2009
   Posted on April 24, 2009


Big Cormorant Lake Association Minutes of Meeting April 18, 2009 The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lightowler at 9:10 am at The Pub.

Board members present: Sam Blattenbauer, Steve Busch, Dennis Erdle, Lyle Hansen, Ben Hushka, Joe Lightowler, Sharon Olson, Greg Pung, Jason Roth, Jim Colbert, Paula Stromstad, Tom Riedman, Rueben Tschritter, and Rhonda Wilson.

Minute were approved as emailed.

Treasurer Greg Pung reported a balance of $25,402.00. Greg requested permission to pay Sportsman Club dues. Steve so moved and Dennis seconded. Motion passed.

Committee Reports:
Rhonda reported that we now have capability to place water levels on the Website ourselves. She also would like new pictures for the Website.

Dennis reported that Jim Walters, Fisheries Manager from the DNR , had good news--30 walleyes/gillnet and bad news—10.2 northern /gillnet. The reason for high northern count is due to high water, therefore the fish nets will not be placed this year. To control the northern count, northern 24” and greater should be released and smaller northern should be kept. The bigger fish eat smaller nothern. The DNR will place signs at the Landings informing fisherman to throw big northern back. Paula moved to have signs made and placed. Jim seconded. Motion passed.

Jim Walters will be invited to Spring Fling to answer questions.

Jim Colbert moved that the Board purchase a portable GPS to be used for water monitoring and buoy placement. Rueben seconded. Motion passed. Jim Shaw is willing to place buoys with help. Several Board members volunteered to assist him.

Sam requested that we have sweatshirts available for sale at Spring Fling. Greg moved to allocate money for purchase of sweatshirts and Steve seconded. Motion passed.

Rueben reported that the Coast Guard Child Safety Class will be held June 20th at 2pm following Spring Fling.

Ellis Peterson, Watershed Board, updated the Board on the progress with treatment of Curley Leaf Pond Weed on Upper Cormorant. Cost of treatment is approximately $300-$400/acre. A DNR grant of $31,000.00 has been received to treat the weed. Discussion followed with a suggestion to install a wash at the Landings to rinse boats before allowing them in the lake.

A Watershed Website is now available:

Dennis developed a mission statement for the BCLA. It reads: “To preserve and promote the well-being of Big Cormorant Lake and its environment.” Paula moved to adopt as our mission statement and Jason seconded. Motion passed. The statement will be displayed at the registration desk during Spring Fling.

Dennis will drop the measurement device into Pike’s Bay to monitor water levels as soon as the ice goes out. Readings will be available on the Website.

Jim and Lyle reported that the Foundation has a balance of $11,662.36 as of December of 2008. A letter will be mailed separately from the annual newsletter to encourage donations. Jim moved that BCLA assume payment for postage to mail the Foundation letter. Jason seconded. Motion passed.

Rueben moved that Randy Christianson join the BCLA Board. Sam seconded. Motion passed.

Greg and Ben are not running for re-election at the end of their terms, which is June 2009. Both members will assist replacements in taking over their duties.

Tom reported that COLA would like a signature from our Board supporting COLA. It was decided that we will continue to support COLA but would not sign their letter. COLA will place billboards along highways with information concerning keeping lakes clean . Tom also reported that there money available to monitor boat landings and rinse boats prior to landing them.

COLA meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month at the DL Community College. They would like a back-up person to attend meetings if Tom is unable to attend. This will be presented at Spring Fling.

Joe adjourned the meeting.

Submitted by,

Sharon Olson, Secretary