Board of Directors Meeting September 26, 2015
   Posted on Sept 26, 2015


Big Cormorant Lake Association Board of Directors Meeting September 26, 2015

Members Present:

Jim Colbert, Sam Blattenbauer, Randy Christianson, Rhonda Wilson, Jenni Barr, Ramona Borke, Merle Zimmerman, Lyle Hansen, Reuben Tschritter

President, Jim Colbert, called the meeting of the BCLA to order at 9:03 a.m.

The minutes were emailed to all members prior to the meeting. Lyle Hansen moved to approve the minutes. Sam Blattenbauer seconded. Approved

Randy Christianson, Treasurer, reported that 373 owners have paid their dues. We have a balance on hand of $38,399. Sam moved to approve the report, Merle Zimmerman seconded. Approved

Committee Reports

Website - Rhonda Wilson reported that the website is being updated. She is getting the BCLA board members and their duties updated and working with Jenni Barr to get an updated list of Beach Captains. Email addresses will not be listed, but when someone wants to contact a board member or beach captain, they can click on the person’s name and they can send them an email.

Facebook - Ramona Borke reported that we have 379 likes so far. Lake information, in particular about the zebra muscles, has been posted to keep members informed.

COLA - Merle will be attending the last meeting of the season on October 8 at the Holiday Inn in Detroit Lakes.

Fisheries - no report

Spring Fling - Sam reported that it will be held the 3rd weekend in June. That will be June 18, 2016. No complaints have been heard with the morning format.

Boat Parade - no report

Membership Data Base - Randy reported that they are keeping up with updating names and addresses as they receive them

Beach Captains - Jenni contacted Beach Captains asking them to inform the owners on their beach about the zebra muscle situation and ask that they put a cement block in the water to be checked in the spring for the muscles. Jenni didn’t ask for a reply but has heard from some that this has been completed.

Planning and Zoning - Lyle had nothing new to report

Water Testing - Merle Zimmerman completed the last test this week. It was on a cloudy day and tested at 12 feet. Temperature changes are causing the lake to turn so clarity is down.

Clothing Sales - Rhonda reported that we are low on women’s clothing and will need to order more next spring. We have a good supply of children’s clothing.

BCLAF - Letters went out this summer. He expects more responses as we near the end of the year.

Old Business

Sam will check with Butch Anton about taking the buoys out after this weekend. If he can’t, he will contact Lakeside Superior. Lyle reported that boat inspections will continue through October 24 on both accesses. The west access is the busiest in Becker County. There has been a considerable amount of trash left behind at the accesses. It is the responsibility of Becker County Parks and Recreation for clean up. It doesn’t appear that there is regular schedule to get this done. He also reported that our communication with the DNR has done some good as they will be re-doing the North Access.

DNR Grant Update - Jim reported that there will be less money available next year, but we will still pursue grant opportunities. Zebra Muscle Update - Additional inspections have been performed to search for zebra muscles, funded by the Watershed. No muscles were found. We are waiting for the final report. The DNR will not change the designation of an infected lake. We will continue to be diligent in inspecting boats and checking our own beaches and lake area as there are many other invasive species that we want to keep out. Things like Eurasian watermill foil and curly pond weed are among them. The Beach Captains are contacting owners to watch for them as they pull out their docks and lifts in addition to putting a cement block in the water to be checked in the spring. Fishing Tournaments - There is a fishing tournament going on this weekend. The numbers appear to be down. Pros and cons of the tournaments were discussed. They are good PR for us. There was concern about tournament participants not having their boats checked and the spread of AIS. Jim will send a letter/email to FM Walleye’s letting them know that ALL boats entering the lake for the tournament will be inspected, no exceptions.

Next meeting February 20, 2016 at 9 a.m. at the Pub.

Randy moved to adjourn the meeting. Rhonda seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ramona Borke, Board Member
(fill-in for Carol Anhorn)